Nylon Mesh 118 Micron - Open Area %: 42 - Width: 45 inch
Nylon Mesh 118 Micron - Open Area %: 42 - Width: 45 inch Resistant to common solvents and to alkalies but are attacked by strong mineral acids. Good abrasion resistance and low coefficient of friction. Working temperature is typically around 239F (115Nylon Mesh 118 Micron - Open Area %: 42 - Width: 45 inch
- Resistant to common solvents and to alkalies but are attacked by strong mineral acids.
- Good abrasion resistance and low coefficient of friction.
- Working temperature is typically around 239F (115C). Exposure to sunlight can cause discoloration (yellowing).
- Water absorption is very high.
- Sterilizing by autoclaving, ETO sterilizing and gamma sterilizing (Under 2.5 Megarads) can be performed.

118 Micron Nylon Mesh Technical Information
Mesh Opening: 118 micron
Open Area: 42 %
Thread Diameter: 60 micron
Weight (lbs): 0.06 lbs/yd^2
Weight (oz): 1 oz/yd^2
Weight (g): 34 g/m^2
Thickness: 115 micron
Width: 45 inch
Length: All mesh are sold in Yards.
Material: Nylon
Specific Gravity: 1.14 g/mm^3
Tensile Strength: 41.67 daN/mm^2
Stability to light: Poor
Abrasion resistance: Good
Acid resistance: Limited-Poor
Alkaline resistance: Good
Stability to solvents: Limited
Hydrolysis resistance: Good