How to buy T-shirt screen printing machine

If you want to start a T-shirt printing company, then you must take some steps to start a successful business. One of your most important decisions is to buy a T-shirt screen printing machine . This is one of the most important tools of your trade, so you

If you want to start a T-shirt printing company, then you must take some steps to start a successful business. One of your most important decisions is to buy a T-shirt screen printing machine. This is one of the most important tools of your trade, so you be certain you are buying what you need to accomplish your goals.

Type of printing method

There are several printing methods that can add art and decoration to T-shirts. Some of the most common include transfer, embroidery and decals, screen printing and the latest methods - directly to clothing - or DTG. Each method requires a specific machine because they have very different printing methods. For example, to embroider on clothes, you need an embroidery machine, which is a special type of sewing machine, but with the transfer method, you need a printer that can print with high quality ink, which can withstand high temperature inks. press. DTG printing is a machine that takes out middlemen. Instead of printing the design on the transfer paper, then transferring the design from the paper to the garment, the image is printed directly on the garment.

Choose your printing method

Determining what to print on the shirt and how you want the results to look is the key to choosing the right printing method. If you want a floral pattern or a decorative pattern that stands up from your shirt, embroidery or decals may be the way to go. If you want to make a novel shirt with clever arguments, then transfer may be the best option. If you want print and transfer to be a combined step, then trying DTG will be your right step. When you make this decision, it's best to keep your budget in mind. The startup costs of these methods vary widely, so if you have a tight budget, you will need to choose the method that fits your financial requirements.

T-shirt printing machine pricing

The price of printed images varies greatly from method to method. The cheapest method, print screening, lets you run for a few hundred dollars because you only need ink and a dedicated screen for transferring ink to your clothes. Depending on whether you choose an inkjet printer or a laser printer, transfer printing will be the next most expensive printer, with printers ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. The most expensive method is DTG, which starts at about $14,000 and costs up to $80,000. But for each method, you have different levels of abilities. Screen printing is suitable for basic letter printing or monochrome images. Transfer printing gives you more room to be creative, but it also requires hot pressing to bring the image to your clothes. DTG prints directly onto the garment,

Where to buy a T-shirt printing machine

You can buy a press online, but there are usually local options as well. Whichever method you choose, you choose a reputable company that provides warranty service for your equipment. Buying from a company is also an ideal option. The company can also provide accessories for the printer of your choice, which may eventually result in inks that are not compatible with the printer, or printers that cannot accommodate oversized transfer papers.

Outsourcing choice

If you want to focus on design elements without having to worry about printing yourself, you can outsource printing to other companies, such as Cafe Press or Society 6. This will reduce your management and equipment costs without sacrificing quality. This may increase the price of the shirt, especially if you order a small batch, but if you produce a high-quality shirt with a good design, then a small price increase may be worthwhile for your customers.

Pre:How To Use A Manual T-Shirt screen printing Press

Next: Working Process of Rotary Screen Printing Machine

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